Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Just a Little Secret

There's a funny thing about secrecy in our culture. Knowing something that someone else doesn't makes us feel powerful. Not knowing makes us feel helpless. In the case of artists, mystery is a very thin line to walk.

I can break it down into four general areas - we'll call them mystery zones (I apologize if this seems TOO much like a horoscope).

Mystery Zone 1 (maximum secrecy): Your shows are underground, no publicity, only word of mouth. No one really knows the name of the bass player, except that he has a weird nickname like Cirpico or Quiet Storm. You can't find your music on iTunes or Amazon, but that crusty old record store has some below the counter. It takes a lot of work to be this incognito, and the ones who have actually heard of you are way into it.

Mystery Zone 2 (moderate secrecy): Fans may know who's in your band, but they know nothing of your personal life. People can find your shows, but it's not because you go on and on about them on your Myspace page. You sell your music on your website - iTunes only has your most recent stuff, which isn't the stuff the real groupies are into anyway. This zone is about keeping your fans at an arms length - you value your privacy but don't let it consume you.

Mystery Zone 3 (little to no secrecy): Everybody knows how you met and why you named the band what you did, but you don't give a zillion interviews and show up on VH1 every night. Your shows are prominently posted, but not crammed down anyone's throat. You can find your albums anywhere and you don't have many imports from Japan. You don't ever really think about keeping anything from your fans. If they want to know so bad, whatever.

Mystery Zone 4 (full disclosure): What did you eat for lunch today? Well, lets just check your twitter. Do you feel good about every single little overdub you recorded today? I don't know, I haven't had time to read your blog. You're basically every where all the time. We know who you dated for how long - we know your parents names - and we probably even know what you look like naked. You spam us constantly about your gigs, and hustle like crazy. I can buy your album on the sidewalk in Harlem if I feel so inclined - and you know what else, I can get the special edition at K-Mart. You spend a lot of time letting everyone know what you think and how you feel, and some people still can't get enough.

Okay, so it's pretty clear how I feel about all of this: if I had to pick, I'd probably go somewhere around zone 2 - a little mystery is fun. But come on, your talking to a Led Zeppelin guy here - are you at all surprised?

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