Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Helming the Overwhelmed

As we embark on this endeavor, I am often discouraged by the scope of what we're trying to accomplish.

Our goal is to intelligently write about music, but beyond that simple but challenging goal, we are trying to broadly write intelligently about Quality; and not only identify and categorize Quality, but explain and derive its source.  Too add to our struggles, we aim to derive its source in ourselfs and each other.  While all the time being intelligent.  As if that alone wasn't challenging enough.

Our contributors are looking to me for guidance.  As Editor, my task is to not only determine the content that we produce, but more importantly, ensure that we are speaking to our goal(s) with every entry.  I assume this will become more manageable with time, but most likely only because time will have passed and will therefore seem easier with time.  And perhaps after time, more goals will arise, or the current goals will strengthen.  Like designing the website, hopefully the more pieces assembled the easier it will be to place them.

But as for now, all we can do is keep plugging ahead.  I take solace in our goal(s) and continue to pursue their promise.

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