Here's his post followed by my response(s).
Mike Robinson Thanks Obama and other various crazy-assed left politicians. The health care "reform" will end up taxing the hell out of us who actually worked hard for a decent job/career that provides health care. Hope you can buy back your senate seat from Blagoi..????..vich.
Mike Robinson
Not yet...but soon. I'm just worried, because all the big corps that employee all of us college grads, are announcing that they have to cut back on a lot because of new "tax issues" concerning the new legislation on health care.
Charlie Christenson
Oh, Michael. Most likely they're lying to you... Those big companies want to lay you off to try to save a buck and their corporate asses, and poor people who can't afford health care are the ones they blame for it. Don't be mad at the poor people, or the ones trying to help. Be mad at the greed. Be mad at the insurance companies who have denied coverage to sick and dying children for years. Be mad at the financial policy makers of the last 16 years. And know that these "new taxes" will only apply to the disgustingly wealthy (who have ridiculous health care plans), and won't kick in for another two years. Everything else is a lie. The people creating these lies want to maintain the status quo of big big business and are leading us down a path were the middle class (you and I and our parents) no longer exist. There'll be just rich and poor. And I'd rather not be poor... (or poorer) right?
More money to the G-men, screws all of us.This is in no way to try to humiliate Mike - instead, I thought we could continue the discussion on the blog?